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NHS Dental
Yorkshire and Humber Dental Commissioning Report – 2023/24
In April 2023, responsibility for commissioning of NHS dental services transferred to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) from NHS England, with staff transferring across from July 2023.

In Yorkshire and the Humber, the three ICBs have agreed to work together, with NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB hosting the Dental Commissioning Team, also working across NHS South Yorkshire ICB and NHS West Yorkshire ICB.

We have now produced an end-of-year report, providing a review of Dental Commissioning in Yorkshire and the Humber from 2023/2024.

Click here to read this report, the contents of which include:

Progress in 2023/2024
  • Recruitment
  • Building our relationship with providers and Local Dental Committees (LDCs)
  • 2023/24 investment plans
  • Monitoring performance
Our focus for the year ahead
  • Opening new dental practices
  • Maximising the use of our dental resources
  • Commissioning strategically
  • Dental Recovery Plan
  • Re-launching our Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs)
Also included are a handful of selected short case studies and some performance data.
Community roadshow tours Humber and North Yorkshire to seek views, understanding and experience of cancer
Cancer Alliance Community Roadshows
People in Humber and North Yorkshire are being encouraged to share their views on cancer and experiences of using cancer services as part of a regional community engagement roadshow series taking place this summer.

The community engagement roadshow series, which consists of lots of different events across the Humber and North Yorkshire region, is being organised by Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance to:
  • raise awareness and improve understanding of cancer
  • gain greater insight into any barriers to presenting early with cancer symptoms and attending cancer screening
  • gain a deeper understanding of people’s experience of using cancer services
The roadshow will visit many of Humber and North Yorkshire’s cities and towns, where Cancer Alliance staff and colleagues from various partners will engage in conversations with people who have been treated for cancer, or members of the public to understand their understanding of and attitudes towards the disease.

Click here to read more.
'Voices of the street' report completed by Healthwatch Hull
The latest report by Healthwatch Hull, funded by Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity, explores the experiences of the homeless population when accessing ambulance services in Hull.

Over a period of 24 weeks, the Healthwatch listened to the views and experiences of 78 people within the homeless community, 70 members of staff from Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS), and 28 stakeholders from wider services to build up an in-depth picture of how the healthcare system works for this population.

This report highlights good practice across the service and makes a number of recommendations for commissioners and providers on areas where improvements could be made, both within the ambulance service and across the wider system.

Alongside this report, a video has been produced to give an overview of the project and some of the findings.

Click here to read more.
New fund launched to tackle health inequalities in York
The VCSE Health Inequalities Small Grants Fund has been launched with £55k to distribute to charities, community groups, and non-profit organisations in York.

The funding, contributed by City of York Council Public Health and NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), aims to fund Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations in York to deliver projects that reduce health inequalities through early intervention and prevention.

York CVS, a local support and development charity for the VCSE sector is administering the fund and is encouraging all community groups, clubs, charities, and other not-for-profit organisations in York, including small and newly established groups, to apply.

Projects must focus on supporting access and awareness of health services, improving people’s experience of health/social care services, helping people to live more healthily and focusing on at least one of the clinical areas in the NHS CORE20PLUS, which includes: Maternity, Severe Mental Illness (SMI), Chronic Respiratory Disease, Early Cancer Diagnosis, and Hypertension.

Click here for more information.
Get Involved
Sexual health
Have your say on changes to York’s sexual health service
City of York Council is inviting people to have their say on the way sexual health services are provided in York.

Click here for more information and complete the City of York sexual and reproductive health services provision consultation.

If you would like a paper copy, or would like the consultation in a different language, or accessible format please contact enquires.publichealth@york.gov.uk or 01904 551550.

This consultation closes on Monday 2 September 2024 at 2:00pm.
Voluntary and Community Sector survey
HEY Smile Foundation
HEY Smile Foundation is working in partnership with East Riding Public Health to conduct a survey on Inclusion Health and inviting all voluntary and community groups to complete.

Inclusion health is a term that refers to the health and social needs of people who are socially excluded. Inclusion health groups include people who experience homelessness, people with drug and alcohol dependence, vulnerable migrants and refugees, Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities, people in contact with the justice system, victims of modern slavery, sex workers, and other marginalised groups.

These individuals often share common experiences such as discrimination and stigma, violence and trauma, poverty, and invisibility in health datasets. These experiences can result in insecure and inadequate housing, very poor access to healthcare services due to service design, poor experiences with public services, and poorer health compared to other socially disadvantaged groups.

Your feedback through this questionnaire will help to develop an understanding of the issues people face. It will aim to improve knowledge, skills and confidence alongside partners to help deliver change.

Click here to complete the survey.
MS TechHer
Creating opportunities for women to learn and develop skills in technology
TechHer for Government is a free initiative designed to inspire curiosity and excitement about technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, data, low code / no code app creation and security.

The scheme will offer weekly virtual training sessions this autumn (dates TBC) and will be delivered by Microsoft.

The sessions are aimed at women who work in the UK public sector, who do not necessarily have a technical background and are keen to gain confidence to learn more about technology.

Click here for more information and to complete the TechHer registration form.
News From Across The Partnership
“Flow” to deliver world-class patient care in East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire
One of England’s largest NHS groups is spearheading a major transformation project to deliver world-class patient care across its five hospitals.

NHS Humber Health Partnership – the group formed by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust – is launching “Flow” to reduce unnecessary hospital stays and admissions.

“Flow” will streamline every stage of a patient’s progress from Emergency Departments until they are well enough to be discharged from Hull Royal Infirmary, Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby, Scunthorpe General Hospital, Goole and District Hospital or Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.

Click here to read more.
HDFT Interns
Trust celebrates this year’s Project SEARCH graduates
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) were delighted to host a graduation day on Thursday 11 July 2024, to celebrate the incredible Project SEARCH interns completing their internship programme at the Trust.

Project SEARCH is a supported employment initiative for young people with significant disabilities, in which HDFT has participated since 2022. The project aims to support a transition into the workplace, allowing interns to gain skills and experience to help them move towards paid employment within the NHS.

Interns participate in an average of three, 11-week rotations across the year in departments matched to their skills, qualities and aspirations; completing up to 800 hours of on-the-job training.

Host departments have fully embraced the opportunity to be a part of these young peoples’ development, supporting the interns to make remarkable progress in terms of social interaction and confidence.

Click here to read more.
Success at healthcare finance awards
TEWV Finance awards
Colleagues from the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) finance team have taken home awards at the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) Northern Branch Annual Conference 2024.

The event took place last month at Ramside Hall in Durham and showcased the vital contribution that finance staff play in healthcare across the northeast region.

The finance team scooped the Finance Team of the Year Award at the conference and were honoured for their creativity, innovation, efficiency and quality of work whilst focussing on financial recovery to support the Trust and patient outcomes.

Click here to read more.
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