Our Clinical and Care Professional Newsletter |
| Message from our Executive Medical Director | Dear Colleagues,
Our Integrated Care System (ICS) is built upon the ethos of "Improving Lives Together," and as we continue to embark on this transformative journey, it is essential that we keep our clinical and care professionals informed and engaged.
To assist with this, we are starting a bi-monthly newsletter which we hope will become a valuable and valued resource for staying updated on our progress and upcoming initiatives. It's a platform for us to share our achievements, address challenges, and foster a sense of community among our clinical and care professionals.
I encourage each of you to actively participate, contribute your ideas, and collaborate with fellow professionals. Thank you for your dedication, passion, and hard work. Let's make every month a step closer to realising our goal of improving lives together.
Frankie Swords Executive Medical Director NHS Norfolk and Waveney | | |
CCP Manifesto - update | As you may be aware, ICSs are required to develop a Clinical and Care Professional Leadership framework to outline how we will harness the ideas and voice of our CCPs, supporting them to innovate to improve our services and to build diverse and inclusive Clinical and Care professional leadership into decision making across the ICS. As outlined in our Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Manifesto. Here is a summary of each and our progress so far:
#1 You said: The ICB needs to tangibly commit to a clinical and care professional empowerment culture We did: Listen and take actions some of which are outlined in our first newsletter.
#2 You said: The ICB need to identify resources to support this CCP framework and undertake a baseline survey We did: Undertake a baseline survey with results being here and follow-up survey. If you wish to be part of the follow-up CCP survey the link can be found here
#3 You said: The ICB need to review its decision-making structures to ensure that there is clear accountability of where, how and by whom decisions are made. We did: We reviewed our structures in March 2023 and have arranged to repeat this annually.
#4 You said: The ICB should establish a formal CCP Assembly (CCPA) that should reflect the diversity of our CCP community to review and advise on all ICB decisions affecting care at every level (neighborhood, place and system) to provide a coherent and effective CCP voice in shaping ICS strategy and resourcing. We did: This now runs monthly. More details can be found later in this newsletter.
#5 You said: The ICB need to establish a smaller Clinical and Care Professional Council to lead the coproduction of the CCP framework, strategy, and act as guardian of the empowerment culture we wish to create. We did: The ToR has been agreed by the People Board and can be found here. It will commence from January 2024.
#6 You said: The ICB needs to continue to have specialist advisory roles to lead on specific areas such as cancer and diabetes, We did: New CCPL roles have been established appointed for the ICB after competitive interview. See the later section meet our CCPLs
#7 You said: The ICB should invest in short-, medium- and long-term organisational development and education to secure the commitment of all CCPs. We did: Run a series of masterclasses from September 22 hosted by Mike Farrar. Secured a provider for the Leadership Lunch and Learn sessions, set up a CCPL faculty which anyone is free to join, create a webpage of educational resources. More detail on this will follow in a future message.
#8 You said: The ICB Quality Management team should develop a rolling series of open educational events, to empower all CCPs to use a common QI approach. We did: The ICB evaluation hub will support CCPs to develop appropriate evaluations before trying new things, and the QM and PMO team will provide practical support with those evaluations - to supercharge innovation to improve our services. A monthly Quality Faculty Meeting has been established to share best practice in Quality Improvement.
#9 You said: The ICB need to work with primary care and practice leadership professionals to keep extending the reach of our CCP community (including AHPs, Pharmacists, Dental and Ophthalmic practitioners, social workers, carers, behaviour specialists and sensory experts) We did: We have established a CCPL faculty open to all and series of events to increase awareness. More work in this area is underway.
#10 You said: The ICB needs to commit to using a clinical prioritisation process for resource allocation. We did: This is now in place. | | Meet our CCPL’s | Here are the current ICB CCPL roles and role holders appointed after a competitive interview process and have been in post since who have been April 2023. Job Descriptions can be found here. The tenure for these posts is 2 years and are open to all members of the CCPL family. The roles will be open for competitive re-appointment in early 2025.
Locality Lead – East Dr David McConnell Hypertension case finding and cardiovascular disease Dr Titilopemi Oladosu Locality Lead – South Dr Ge Yu
Frailty, Older people and Dementia Dr Zena Aldridge
Locality Lead – North Dr James Gair
Elective and Planned Care Dr Pippa-Louise Harrold
Locality Lead – Norwich Mrs Tracy Williams
Respiratory Dr Daryl Freeman
Locality Lead – West Dr Imran Ahmed Prescribing and Medicines Optimisation Elective and Planned Care Dr Andrew Lloyd Douglass
Primary Care CCP Lead Dr Jeanine Smirl
Cancer Dr Ian Hume
Chief Clinical Information Officer Dr Ed Turnham
Palliative and End of Life Care Dr Caroline Barry
Population Health Management Diabetes and Obesity Dr Clare Hambling Elective and Planned Care Mr Callum Metcalfe-O’Shea
Population Health Management Dr Emily Clark
Urgent and Emergency care Dr Victoria Stanley
Inclusion Health and Health Inequalities Mrs Tracy Williams
Urgent and Emergency care Dr Lindy-Lee Folscher
Maternity and Babies Mr Richard Smith
Mental Health Transformation Dr Ardyn Ross | | Introducing the Head of Innovation | Dr Tim Clarke has recently joined the ICB as Head of Innovation within the Research & Innovation team, on a 12-month secondment. Tim will work with ICS partners and Health Innovation East (HIE) to develop a strategic framework and more systematic processes for innovation. As part of his role, he will support the system to better identify and prioritise areas of need for innovation, match to innovations, support the system to implement and evaluate innovations and identify potential sources of innovation funding. Tim will also support the system to ensure access to innovation is more equitable and that the impact of innovations is shared across Norfolk and Waveney to support learning, adoption, and spread. It is hoped that Tim will act as a single point of contact for innovation and will work closely with partner organisations to optimise innovation across our system. So, if you have ideas for areas that require innovation, or aware of innovations that have recently been implemented or would just love to get involved in the innovation agenda please do reach out to Tim by email, timothy.clarke9@nhs.net. He would love to hear from you. | | Leadership Lunch and Learn | | | As outlined in our Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Manifesto, we are pleased to offer a series of reflective leadership sessions for aspiring and established leaders across our ICS. Free to all, it is a place where we can share our thoughts about leadership and make connections between leaders of all backgrounds within our system.
The series will be facilitated by John Sutherland, a respected leader, author and academic who will share his take on aspects of leadership and culture. Then, in the subsequent sessions, he will unpack culture focusing on four drivers of behaviour; Trust, Decision Making, Communication and Incentives.
Each session will last one hour, be held on Teams, offer a reflective question and compose of two 10-minute presentations each followed by a period of Q&A, discussion and sense-making.
The session dates and topics are as follows:
Fri 8 Dec 23 - 12-1pm Demystifying leadership and culture
Tue 9 Jan 24 - 12-1pm Purpose as a positive leadership tool
Wed 7 Feb 24 - 12-1pm Culture driver 1 - Trust
Fri 8 Mar 24 - 12-1pm Culture driver 2 - Decision making
Tue 9 April 24 - 12-1pm Culture driver 3/4 – Communication and incentives
Tue 7 May 24 - 12-1pm Reflective Leadership and command | | | | | Dear All Health and Care Colleagues,
Are Rules and Regulations a help or hindrance to you in your work? That is the theme of our next ICB Schwartz Round
But what is a Schwartz Round? It is unique and supportive platform designed just for you. In the demanding world of healthcare, it's crucial to recognize that every one of us experiences challenges, emotions, and moments that impact our work deeply.
The Schwartz Round offers a safe, confidential space where you can openly share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings with your colleagues, fostering empathy, understanding, and mutual support. By participating, you contribute to our collective well-being, strengthen our teamwork, and ultimately enhance the care we provide to our patients. Your presence and insights are invaluable. Let's come together, connect, and find solace in the knowledge that we're not alone in our feelings about the important work we do.
Date: Thurs 14 Dec 23 Time: 1300-1400 Place: On Teams You can sign-up here
So, join us at our next ICB Schwartz Round, because your well-being matters. | | | Clinical and Care Professional Council (CCPA) | Our Clinical and Care Professional Council (CCPA) acts as the forum representing the voice of all clinical and care professionals across the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS). It will act as a diverse critical friend for the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) through which to sense-check ideas, plans and decisions made by the ICB which may affect the delivery, development, and future clinical and care provision. It aims to draws on the skills of its members from diverse clinical and care backgrounds, independently of their professional background, banding or organisational base to provides impartial advice to the Norfolk and Waveney ICB .
The meetings are held monthly, and the agenda includes ICB programme updates, strategy check-in and a regular CCP showcase where we share an example of where the voice of CCPs has been used at ground level to improve or change a service. It is chaired by ICB Medical Director and attended by representatives from the Local Authority, a Mental Health provider, a Non-LA Community care, the Allied Health Professionals, Public Health, Healthcare Scientist, Dentistry, Optometry and Community Pharmacy, Primary Care, Acute, Community and Ambulance Trusts, Primary Care Nursing, and Health Inequalities
If you would like any further information about the CCPA or wish to join as an observer, contact fleur.trudgill1@nhs.net | | Want to have your say and or get involved? – Join the CCPL Faculty | If you would like to take part in our CCPL follow-up survey, Click here
The CCPL Faculty is a voluntary group of aspiring or established leaders from within Norfolk and Waveney who work within health, social care, private, independent, voluntary or education organisations who wish to be supported to develop system leadership skills. The faculty is free to join. Members can either self –nominate or be nominated by their employer. Once in the faculty members will receive regular updates and notification of role vacancies, stretch opportunities and training events.
If you would like to sign-up for the newsletter or join our clinical and care professional faculty, please use this link and fill in the on-line form. | |