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Cartoon people with speech bubble
Issue 6
30 October 2023
Welcome to our consultation newsletter
Welcome to our consultation bulletin. Here you'll find the latest news and updates about the consultation, where we have been and how you can get involved.

Find out more and have your say on our Better Hospitals Humber website.
Our Engagement So Far
A graphic which shows three icon people having a discussion
Focus groups
Our programme of targeted engagement is now well underway.

To ensure that we reach as many people as possible through our consultation and to ensure that people feel comfortable that we are listening to them we have organised a series of focus groups. This, along with 1:1 conversations and targeted promotion, will help us to get closer to people who, for a number of reasons, can often be missed when trying to hear what everyone has to say.

Focus groups are a method to generate a great deal of information from a range of diverse opinions. This is also a useful way of working with groups who have limited literacy (e.g., younger children or those with learning disabilities), or those whose first language is not English.

So far, using focus groups, we have met with:
  • Parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Carers
  • Parents and local residents in Crosby
In a relaxed atmosphere, people were able to discuss their views of the proposal and what the impacts might be for them, providing us with information that will help with our decision making.

More focus groups are planned. If you know or run a local/community group that you think would like to participate in a focus group, please let us know by emailing
Discussion groups at the exhibition events
At our Exhibition Events in Goole, Grimsby and Scunthorpe people were offered the opportunity to take part in small group discussions being held throughout the day. 

Across the three events a total of 9 group discussions took place, with 47 local people taking part in lively discussions, enabling us to capture their views and contribute to the consultation.

This was in addition to many 1:1 conversations where feedback was captured by notetakers. Other participants chose to give their feedback by completing the questionnaire either at the event or at home afterwards.
Listening to Children and Young People
Picture shows children who attended one of our Playing On sessions
Children and Young People are not often heard during consultations. We are working hard to ensure their voices can be heard. Last week, we held a drama workshop with children aged 7-11 run by a specialist organisation called Playing On.

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Hospital Staff – we want to hear from you
Next week, the engagement team will be coming to the three main hospital sites in Northern Lincolnshire and Goole (NLaG) to raise awareness of the consultation amongst staff and visitors alike.

The team will be available in canteen areas to promote the consultation over lunchtime throughout the week:
  • Monday 6th November (11:30 to 2pm) – Scunthorpe General Hospital
  • Wednesday 8th November (11:30 to 2pm) – Goole and District Hospital
  • Thursday 9th November (11:30 to 2pm) – Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
We know how busy our staff are, but we really hope you can spare the time to come along and talk to us, pick up an information leaflet and/or complete a questionnaire.
Your questions answered
What about those who don’t drive? Is there going to be a special bus service to get Scunthorpe residents to Grimsby?
For patients travelling to hospital (A&E) themselves, there will be no change – our proposal is that a 24/7 Emergency Department would remain at both sites and people would continue to go to their local hospital. This proposal will only affect people transported by ambulance or those who need more complex emergency diagnosis, treatment or care after receiving an assessment through one of our Emergency Departments. They would be transported to Grimsby by a free inter-hospital transfer service.

We do, however, recognise there may be an impact on relatives, families, carers and loved ones having to travel further. A transport working group was set up during the development of the proposals and this will continue to work on developing solutions together. We are working with our transport group on this to mitigate any potential impact on travel for visitors, carers, families and relatives and are keen to hear ideas and suggestions through the consultation.
Read more!
Previous newsletters
You can read previous editions of our newsletters on our website. Please see below for some of our most recent editions.

Issue 17: Focus on - Transport survey and staff engagement
Issue 18: Focus on - Engagement during the election period

Issue 19: Focus on - The Pre-Consultation Business Case
Issue 20: Programme gets go ahead to move to next stage
Issue 21: Consultation Launch
Issue 22: Consultation Newsletter Issue 2
Issue 23: Consultation Newsletter Issue 3
Issue 24: Consultation Newsletter Issue 4
Issue 25: Consultation Newsletter Issue 5
If you would not like to receive further emails from us please click here to unsubscribe.

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